Pure Gummy : This is the kawaii Gummy from Japan

There are two types of people on this planet – people who love ordinary classic gummies and people who love the sour sanding gummies who are trying to explore the undiscovered pleasure of the gummy world. If you are the Marco Polo-type of gummy hunter, you must check out this Japanese treasure called “Pure Gummy”(Puré Gummi in Japanese).

What is Pure Gummy?

“Pure Gummy” are chewy gummies by the Japanese candy manufacturer Kanro. They have a strong fruit flavour with a gentle sour powder which makes your snack-time that extra-bit more special. Their sour‐sweet taste makes you think “just one more piece”. These cute Japanese gummy candies are made with 100% fruit purée without any artificial colours or flavours. Its heart shape shows how much of the “kawaii” spirit is alive in Japanese products, even in sweets.

Sometimes you can find other “secret” shapes aside from the standard heart shape in your package of gummies.

History of Pure Gummy

The “Pure Gummy” series was first released in 2002. At that time in Japan, gummies were considered just snacks for children. However, after the arrival of European gummies like Haribo to the Japanese market, who mainly target adult consumers,they tried to expand their target users to adult women who work in offices. (That does not mean that others can not enjoy this sweet!) Its packaging was designed to make it easy to eat a few and save rest for later. This practical design was popular among the target users and it became one of the most successful gummy series for Kanro. 

The author of this article also enjoyed these sour hearts as a midnight snack while writing this article!


Sugar (produced in Japan), starch syrup, gelatin, juice concentrate, paste/acidifier, thickener (pectin), calcium carbonate, vitamin C, flavoring, colorings


No, they contain gelatin which is not usually vegan.

No, they contain gelatin which is not usually Halal.

Note:  The information above was translated from the Japanese package of Fettuccine by the writer. We recommend to do your own research into ingredients before buying.

Series of Pure Gummy

Tere are three standard flavours, lemon, grape, and muscat are available for all seasons. They have sour‐sweetness with different fruit tastes ( of course the artificial fruits..!)


limited editions

Japanese snack brands often release special series for a limited time. When I see new gummies with unique packaging and unusual flavours at convenience stores, I can’t help myself from putting them into my shopping bag. 

Pure Gummi CM

In the end, I personally rate Pure Gummies three stars out of five. They have subtle sour-sweetness but the texture of the sour powder bothers me a bit when I bite into them. The range of flavours is also good, but not special enough for me to give a higher rating. However, for those who love sour gummies, it is a great choice of gummies to look for when visiting Japan.

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